SAFE Drive - help with testing

As you don’t yet have write access to the cats.ashi container, it requests access via Peruse. So that’s why it’s waiting.

Is cats.ashi yours? I’m not sure what would happen if you ask Peruse for access to a container that’s not yours. Is it possible that you didn’t notice Peruse asking for you to authorise?

Ah, now you’re asking. It’s not real. Is anything? :wink:

BTW I fixed a few bugs today so it may be worth pulling the changes in both projects. Same as last time.

Peruse popped up but it didn’t ask for authorisation. I guess that’s the problem. cats.ashi isn’t mine - I don’t have a cat :wink:

BTW I fixed a few bugs today so it may be worth pulling the changes in both projects. Same as last time.

OK, will try

EDIT: OK got it.

ls ~/SAFE/_webMounts/www.safenetworkprimer lists:
index.html introbg1.png styles.css
ls ~/SAFE/_webMounts/cat.jpl1 lists:
cat.jpg index.html

So _webMounts is a virtual mounted container and I only have write access to my own containers.

It does need to fail gracefully though if someone tries though. At the moment it seems it’s waiting for authorisation but not asking for it.

Agreed, but I often get this at random times during testing - so it may not be the _webMounts related code that’s the cause. I’m hopeful the browser and API will get better at this over time because I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do about it.

We need more data points.

It’s a good one to add to the ‘torture tests’ list :wink:

I’ve had a look into BATs and it requires a knowledge of BASH scripting which I don’t possess or have time to learn at the moment so I’ll have to leave it to someone more knowledgeable I’m afraid. Hopefully someone will pick it up.

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No worries John. Thanks for taking a look.

OK happy to start testing the git functionality. Can you give me a few pointers to get going, remembering I’m not a regular user of Github? So for example these basic git commands should mostly work, right? Basic Git commands | Bitbucket Data Center 9.1 | Atlassian Documentation

Cos I get this:

$ git init
error: could not lock config file /home/user/SAFE/_public/jpl/root-fuse-test/git-test/.git/config: File exists
fatal: could not set 'core.filemode' to 'false'

Yep, there are two things you might want to test - the most useful and typical use will I think be to use SAFE Drive to publish a repository, so for it to do the function of, but without a fancy web interface at this stage.

The other would be less typical, which is to have your working / local repository on SAFE Drive, but testing this would still be helpful as it will help turn up some bugs or missing features.

For the first case - a SAFE Drive replacement for github - what I suggest you could do is:

  • create a trivial website with WHM (e.g. at safe://jplgit)
  • create a bare repository on SAFE at that location (cd to the directory on SAFE Drive, which is at something like ~/SAFE/_public/jplgit/www-root/ and type git init --bare
  • cd to a local directory, say ~/safedrivetests
  • clone the bare repo: git clone ~/SAFE/_public/jplgit/www-root/ jplgit

Now you can cd into the local jplgit and do stuff there like create and edit files, and update your local repo with changes: git add <file> git commit -m "some message" and finally push changes to the SAFE Drive repo with git push

Other people should, fingers crossed, be able to mount SAFE Drive, mount your Web folder with ls ~/SAFE/_webMounts/jplgit and clone a copy to make a new local git repo from there, with git clone ~/SAFE/_webMounts/jplgit

I’ve tried some of this with mock but not yet live network. You can see I now have a simple test script which you can also try, which does this:

Instructions at the top of that file. You can only run the whole set of tests in one go though, unless you edit the script.

Thanks again John, good luck.

If anyone wants to join and make this a proper multi user test please shout.


No joy so far: I’ve fiddled around with permissions and manually creating .git/hooks but still getting this.

user@user1:~/SAFE/_public/gittest/root-www$ git init --bare
fatal: cannot copy '/usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks/pre-push.sample' to '/home/user/SAFE/_public/gittest/root-www/hooks/pre-push.sample': No such file or directory

I’ll have another try a bit later

This is a bug not you, so don’t worry. It may be i broke something in the last push to development :blush:

Can you confirm you are on development in both repos, and pulled the latest changes?

You could just try the test script:

cd safenetwork-fuse/tests
chmod +x
./ mock # <- or 'live'

But it uses over 300 PUTs per run and will start failing if you max out. So I’ve only used this with mock so far.

I’ll rerun the test myself to see if it is broken for me. Thanks again.

Yep - off out for a bit now but I’ll try again later. Cheers

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Hi John, @JPL

I re-ran the test script with mock and it’s passing all tests for me. I had one local change though, which might cause the problem you saw, so when you get the chance, please git pull in safentworkjs and try the test script. Try mock if you first try live and it fails. Let me know how you get on.

1 Like

OK here’s the test script run on the live network (I haven’t been able to get mock to build up to this point, although I can try again if changes have been made)

user@user1:~/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/tests$ ./ live

Running tests on mounted SAFE Drive (LIVE network)

Using SAFE_DRIVE_PATH = /home/user/SAFE/_public/gittest/root-www/testing-safedrive

TESTING: create &amp; remove directory tree (dir-tree) with empty parent directory




2 directories, 0 files

mkdir $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/

echo Hello1 &gt; $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/file1

mkdir $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/dir-tree2

mkdir: cannot create directory : No such file or directory


Press enter to clear up test directories...
1 Like

That’s failing because it hasn’t set up the test properly - possibly a bug as I haven’t tested on live.

You don’t need to build for mock. You can use the Dev version of Peruse 0.7 and then run the JavaScript directly with NODE_ENV=dev SAFENETWORKJS_TESTS=testing DEBUG=safe-fuse:ops*,safe-fuse:stubs*,safe-vfs:*,safenetworkjs* node bin.js

Including the DEBUG setting enables output to the console.

John, I just realised that the reason your test didn’t work on live is because you needed the SAFENETWORKJS_TESTS=testing environment variable (as above) which I didn’t mention. It is in the test script help I think, which displays when run if you don’t specify the mock or live parameters.

And if you fancy a crack with the Chrome/Chromium debugger:

NODE_ENV=dev SAFENETWORKJS_TESTS=testing DEBUG=safe-fuse:ops*,safe-fuse:stubs*,safe-vfs:*,safenetworkjs* node --inspect bin.js

And open the URI chrome://inspect/#devices in Chrome / Chromium and click to open the “dedicated DevTools for Node”

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OK some progress. The test script works using Mock and gets half-way through with Live.

Here is the debugger output from node --inspect bin.js

IPC.js:83 starting server on /tmp/app.9726

IPC.js:83 starting TLS server false

IPC.js:83 starting server as Unix || Windows Socket

IPC.js:83 ## socket connection to server detected ##


IPC.js:83 socket disconnected 9726-cli```

And here is the console message from the test script

Running tests on mounted SAFE Drive (LIVE network)

Using SAFE_DRIVE_PATH = /home/user/SAFE/_public/gittest/root-www/testing-safedrive

TESTING: create &amp; remove directory tree (dir-tree) with empty parent directory




2 directories, 0 files

mkdir $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/

echo Hello1 &gt; $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/file1

mkdir $SAFE_DRIVE_PATH/dir-tree/dir-tree2

mkdir: cannot create directory : No such file or directory


Press enter to clear up test directories... ```

Cool John. This isn’t necessarily a SAFE Drive issue. I see that ‘hang’ occasionally with mock so it doesn’t mean that live won’t work, it might be bad luck or more prone to this issue.

The output shows that it is stopping during an attempt to authorise, waiting for the response from Peruse. This might be right at the start, although I can’t be sure without seeing more of the debug output.

When that happens I use:

pkill node; sudo unmount ~/SAFE

And try again. If it repeats a couple of times, I restart the browser. Sometimes it persists through that, but if I keep trying it will go away and I don’t see it for a while.

I’m not sure of the cause but it seems like an issue in the communication between Peruse and the app.

So maybe see if you can get it passing the test with live by repeating, and restarting Peruse if necessary. We may need to file an issue, but I’ve been holding back on that until I update SAFE Drive to use the latest API (I’m still using 0.8) and also to try it with the next update of Peruse. If it turns out to be more repeatable with live we could create an issue in SAFE Browser repo and cry for help. Really that should wait until I update to use latest safe_app_nodejs which I’m planning to try after the next release of SAFE Drive.

Great stuff John. Thank you again for helping :slight_smile:

PS remind me what OS version you have?

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I’ve tried a few times now, restarting Peruse etc but I always get the same error. Here is the full debug output. The test is run at line 576, about 3/4 of the way down (search for " On running test script"). I’m on Debian 9 btw.


socket disconnected 7287-cli
safenetworkjs:web SafenetworkApi.initialise() +4s
FUSE library version: 2.9.7
nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56, pid: 0
INIT: 7.26
INIT: 7.19
unique: 1, success, outsize: 40
unique: 2, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1455
access / 04
safenetworkjs:api SafenetworkApi.getSafeContainer(‘{ safePath: ‘_public’, safeUri: undefined }’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.initialise() for container _name: _public at _containerPath: /_public/ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container auth.getContainer(_public) +1ms
safenetworkjs:api SafenetworkApi.getSafeContainer(‘{ safePath: ‘_publicNames’, safeUri: undefined }’) +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicNamesContainer.initialise() for container _name: _publicNames at _containerPath: /_publicNames/ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container auth.getContainer(_publicNames) +0ms
unique: 2, success, outsize: 16
unique: 3, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1455
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/.Trash’) +0ms
unique: 3, success, outsize: 144
unique: 4, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 2, insize: 45, pid: 1455
LOOKUP /.Trash/1000
getattr /.Trash/1000
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/.Trash/1000’) +2ms
unique: 4, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 5, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1455
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/.Trash-1000’) +0ms
unique: 5, success, outsize: 144
unique: 6, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 3, insize: 46, pid: 1455
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000/files
getattr /.Trash-1000/files
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/.Trash-1000/files’) +0ms
unique: 6, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 7, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 7369
getattr /BDMV
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/BDMV’) +4ms
unique: 7, success, outsize: 144
unique: 8, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 8, success, outsize: 32
unique: 9, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 57, pid: 7368
LOOKUP /.xdg-volume-info
getattr /.xdg-volume-info
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/.xdg-volume-info’) +0ms
unique: 9, success, outsize: 144
unique: 10, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 7369
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 10, success, outsize: 120
unique: 11, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 11, success, outsize: 120
unique: 12, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 5, insize: 48, pid: 7368
opendir flags: 0x8000 /.xdg-volume-info
opendir[0] flags: 0x8000 /.xdg-volume-info
unique: 12, success, outsize: 32
unique: 13, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 7370
LOOKUP /autorun.inf
getattr /autorun.inf
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/autorun.inf’) +0ms
unique: 13, success, outsize: 144
unique: 14, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 7369
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 14, success, outsize: 32
unique: 15, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 5, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 15, success, outsize: 16
unique: 16, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 16, success, outsize: 88
unique: 17, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 17, success, outsize: 16
unique: 18, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 7369
getattr /AACS
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/AACS’) +1ms
unique: 18, success, outsize: 144
unique: 19, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 7, insize: 56, pid: 7369
LOOKUP /AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf
getattr /AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf’) +0ms
unique: 19, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 20, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 20, success, outsize: 16
unique: 21, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 51, pid: 7369
LOOKUP /BDMV/index.bdmv
getattr /BDMV/index.bdmv
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/BDMV/index.bdmv’) +0ms
unique: 21, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 22, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
LOOKUP /_public
getattr /_public
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘’) +8ms
safenetworkjs:container is type: default-container +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.updateMetadata() - failure: Cannot read property ‘getVersion’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer._updateResultForPath(, itemAttributes, { modified: 1542031181265, accessed: 1542031181265, created: 1542031181265, size: 0, version: -1, isFile: false, entryType: ‘default-container’ }, undefined) +0ms
unique: 22, success, outsize: 144
unique: 23, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 47, pid: 7369
getattr /BDMV/BACKUP
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/BDMV/BACKUP’) +1ms
unique: 23, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 24, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 53, pid: 1434
LOOKUP /_publicNames
getattr /_publicNames
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_publicNames’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicNamesContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container is type: default-container +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicNamesContainer.updateMetadata() - failure: Cannot read property ‘getVersion’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicNamesContainer._updateResultForPath(, itemAttributes, { modified: 1542031181265, accessed: 1542031181265, created: 1542031181265, size: 0, version: -1, isFile: false, entryType: ‘default-container’ }, undefined) +1ms
unique: 24, success, outsize: 144
unique: 25, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 25, success, outsize: 16
unique: 26, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 26, success, outsize: 16
unique: 27, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 27, success, outsize: 32
unique: 28, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 28, success, outsize: 120
unique: 29, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +2ms
unique: 29, success, outsize: 88
unique: 30, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 30, success, outsize: 16
unique: 31, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 31, success, outsize: 16
unique: 32, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 32, success, outsize: 16
unique: 33, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 33, success, outsize: 32
unique: 34, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 34, success, outsize: 120
unique: 35, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 35, success, outsize: 88
unique: 36, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 36, success, outsize: 16
unique: 37, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 37, success, outsize: 16
unique: 38, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 38, success, outsize: 16
unique: 39, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 39, success, outsize: 32
unique: 40, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 40, success, outsize: 120
unique: 41, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 41, success, outsize: 88
unique: 42, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 42, success, outsize: 16
unique: 43, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 43, success, outsize: 16
unique: 44, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 44, success, outsize: 16
unique: 45, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 45, success, outsize: 32
unique: 46, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 46, success, outsize: 120
unique: 47, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 47, success, outsize: 88
unique: 48, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 48, success, outsize: 16
unique: 49, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 49, success, outsize: 16
unique: 50, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 50, success, outsize: 16
unique: 51, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 51, success, outsize: 32
unique: 52, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 52, success, outsize: 120
unique: 53, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 53, success, outsize: 88
unique: 54, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 54, success, outsize: 16
unique: 55, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 55, success, outsize: 16
unique: 56, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 56, success, outsize: 16
unique: 57, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 57, success, outsize: 32
unique: 58, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 58, success, outsize: 120
unique: 59, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 59, success, outsize: 88
unique: 60, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 60, success, outsize: 16
unique: 61, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 61, success, outsize: 16
unique: 62, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 62, success, outsize: 16
unique: 63, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 63, success, outsize: 32
unique: 64, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 64, success, outsize: 120
unique: 65, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 65, success, outsize: 88
unique: 66, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 66, success, outsize: 16
unique: 67, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 67, success, outsize: 16
unique: 68, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 68, success, outsize: 16
unique: 69, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 69, success, outsize: 32
unique: 70, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 70, success, outsize: 120
unique: 71, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 71, success, outsize: 88
unique: 72, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 72, success, outsize: 16
unique: 73, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 73, success, outsize: 16
unique: 74, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 74, success, outsize: 16
unique: 75, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 75, success, outsize: 32
unique: 76, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 76, success, outsize: 120
unique: 77, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 77, success, outsize: 88
unique: 78, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 78, success, outsize: 16
unique: 79, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 79, success, outsize: 16
unique: 80, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 80, success, outsize: 16
unique: 81, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 81, success, outsize: 32
unique: 82, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 82, success, outsize: 120
unique: 83, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 83, success, outsize: 88
unique: 84, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 84, success, outsize: 16
unique: 85, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 85, success, outsize: 16
unique: 86, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 86, success, outsize: 16
unique: 87, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 87, success, outsize: 32
unique: 88, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 88, success, outsize: 120
unique: 89, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 89, success, outsize: 88
unique: 90, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 90, success, outsize: 16
unique: 91, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 91, success, outsize: 16
unique: 92, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 92, success, outsize: 16
unique: 93, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
safenetworkjs:api Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found +11ms
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 93, success, outsize: 32
unique: 94, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safenetworkjs:container SafeContainer initialise failed: _public (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found)
safenetworkjs:container -103: Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found
safenetworkjs:container at module.exports (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/@maidsafe/safe-node-app/src/native/_error.js:19:10)
safenetworkjs:container at args.push.ffi.Callback.restArgs (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/@maidsafe/safe-node-app/src/native/_base.js:92:27)
safenetworkjs:container at /home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/ffi/lib/callback.js:66:25 +3ms
safenetworkjs:api SafeContainer initialise failed: _public (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found) +1ms
(node:7287) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: SafeContainer initialise failed: _public (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found)
at PublicContainer.initialise (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:213:13)
(node:7287) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:7287) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +2ms
unique: 94, success, outsize: 120
unique: 95, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safenetworkjs:container SafeContainer initialise failed: _publicNames (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found)
safenetworkjs:container -103: Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found
safenetworkjs:container at module.exports (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/@maidsafe/safe-node-app/src/native/_error.js:19:10)
safenetworkjs:container at args.push.ffi.Callback.restArgs (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/@maidsafe/safe-node-app/src/native/_base.js:92:27)
safenetworkjs:container at /home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/node_modules/ffi/lib/callback.js:66:25 +1ms
safenetworkjs:api SafeContainer initialise failed: _publicNames (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found) +1ms
(node:7287) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: SafeContainer initialise failed: _publicNames (Core error: Routing client error → Requested data not found)
at PublicNamesContainer.initialise (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:213:13)
(node:7287) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 2)
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +2ms
unique: 95, success, outsize: 88
unique: 96, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 96, success, outsize: 16
unique: 97, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 97, success, outsize: 16
unique: 98, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 98, success, outsize: 16
unique: 99, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 99, success, outsize: 32
unique: 100, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 100, success, outsize: 120
unique: 101, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 101, success, outsize: 88
unique: 102, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 102, success, outsize: 16
unique: 103, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 103, success, outsize: 16
unique: 104, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 104, success, outsize: 16
unique: 105, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 105, success, outsize: 32
unique: 106, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 106, success, outsize: 120
unique: 107, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 107, success, outsize: 88
unique: 108, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 108, success, outsize: 16
unique: 109, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 109, success, outsize: 16
unique: 110, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 110, success, outsize: 16
unique: 111, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 111, success, outsize: 32
unique: 112, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 112, success, outsize: 120
unique: 113, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 113, success, outsize: 88
unique: 114, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 114, success, outsize: 16
unique: 115, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 115, success, outsize: 16
unique: 116, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 116, success, outsize: 16
unique: 117, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 117, success, outsize: 32
unique: 118, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 118, success, outsize: 120
unique: 119, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 119, success, outsize: 88
unique: 120, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 120, success, outsize: 16
unique: 121, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 121, success, outsize: 16
unique: 122, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 122, success, outsize: 16
unique: 123, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 123, success, outsize: 32
unique: 124, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 124, success, outsize: 120
unique: 125, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 125, success, outsize: 88
unique: 126, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 126, success, outsize: 16
unique: 127, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 127, success, outsize: 16
unique: 128, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 128, success, outsize: 16
unique: 129, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 129, success, outsize: 32
unique: 130, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 130, success, outsize: 120
unique: 131, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 131, success, outsize: 88
unique: 132, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 132, success, outsize: 16
unique: 133, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 133, success, outsize: 16
unique: 134, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 134, success, outsize: 16
unique: 135, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 135, success, outsize: 32
unique: 136, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 136, success, outsize: 120
unique: 137, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +1ms
unique: 137, success, outsize: 88
unique: 138, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 138, success, outsize: 16
unique: 139, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 139, success, outsize: 16
unique: 140, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 140, success, outsize: 16
unique: 141, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 141, success, outsize: 32
unique: 142, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 142, success, outsize: 120
unique: 143, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 143, success, outsize: 88
unique: 144, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 144, success, outsize: 16
unique: 145, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 145, success, outsize: 16
unique: 146, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 146, success, outsize: 16
unique: 147, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1434
opendir flags: 0x18800 /
opendir[0] flags: 0x18800 /
unique: 147, success, outsize: 32
unique: 148, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1434
getattr /
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 148, success, outsize: 120
unique: 149, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
readdir[0] from 0
safe-fuse:ops readdir(‘/’) +0ms
unique: 149, success, outsize: 88
unique: 150, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 150, success, outsize: 16
unique: 151, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 1434
unique: 151, success, outsize: 16
unique: 152, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 152, success, outsize: 16
unique: 153, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 6, insize: 48, pid: 7368
opendir flags: 0x8000 /autorun.inf
opendir[0] flags: 0x8000 /autorun.inf
unique: 153, success, outsize: 32
unique: 154, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 6, insize: 64, pid: 0
releasedir[0] flags: 0x0
unique: 154, success, outsize: 16

================== On running test script ============================

unique: 155, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 7405
LOOKUP /_public
getattr /_public
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public’) +3m
unique: 155, success, outsize: 144
unique: 156, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7405
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +3m
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +3m
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +1ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 156, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 157, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7405
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +0ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +1ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +1ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 157, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 158, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7406
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +2ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +1ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +2ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +2ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 158, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 159, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7406
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +3ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +1ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +0ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 159, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 160, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7406
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +0ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +0ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 160, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 161, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7407
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +5ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +5ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +5ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +0ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 161, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 162, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7407
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +0ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +1ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +1ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 162, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 163, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7408
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +2ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +1ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +1ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +0ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 163, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 164, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 7410
LOOKUP /_public
getattr /_public
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public’) +13s
unique: 164, success, outsize: 144
unique: 165, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7410
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +13s
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +13s
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +0ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 165, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 166, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 8, insize: 48, pid: 7410
LOOKUP /_public/gittest
getattr /_public/gittest
safe-fuse:ops getattr(‘/_public/gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.itemType(‘gittest’) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion(undefined,_public/gittest)… +1ms
safenetworkjs:web TypeError: Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined
safenetworkjs:web at SafenetworkApi.getMutableDataValueVersion (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safenetwork-api.js:1120:32)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.getEntryValue (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:302:45)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemType (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:843:30)
safenetworkjs:web at PublicContainer.itemAttributesResultRef (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetworkjs/src/safe-containers.js:955:27)
safenetworkjs:web at VfsCacheMap.getattr (/home/user/safe-fuse-test/safenetwork-fuse/src/safe-vfs/vfs-cache.js:263:38)
safenetworkjs:web at
safenetworkjs:web at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +0ms
safenetworkjs:web getMutableDataValueVersion() WARNING no entry found for key ‘_public/gittest’ +0ms
safenetworkjs:container PublicContainer.getEntryValue(_public/gittest) failed +1ms
safenetworkjs:container file not found +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
safenetworkjs:container Cannot read property ‘encryptKey’ of undefined +0ms
unique: 166, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16

Well you are now getting past the auth problem, so that’s progress :slight_smile: I’m looking at this now but my editor is crashing after updating the OS so there will be a short interlude :girl: :clown_face: :black_large_square:

Ok, I’m back. The error you are getting now is what I see when I try to access the live network with NODE_ENV=dev, which means the app is still doing ‘mock’ but the browser of course is ‘live’. So check that first and let me know if that’s the case.

So the command for testing with live would be:

SAFENETWORKJS_TESTS=testing DEBUG=safe-fuse:ops*,safe-fuse:stubs*,safe-vfs:*,safenetworkjs* node --inspect bin.js

Sorry I didn’t make that clear. Only use NODE_ENV=dev when using mock (ie Peruse dev build). All this is being simplified by Maidsafe atm for obvious reasons!

I used to do that every so often and it drove me mad because I didn’t realise what was causing it!

FYI: I have different settings for DEBUG there from what I’ve given you before. They affect what appears in the SAFE Drive debug console - those just happen to be the ones I’m using right now. They correspond to the require('debug') statements in different source files so can be used to filter the debug messages by the area you are interested in. A lot of the output comes from FUSE itself though, and that is all on or all off.

Hmmm. I’m starting it with this

So NODE_ENV=dev is set.

Yep, that won’t work with Peruse (live), only Peruse-dev (mock)