When trying to install the Authenticator APK on Android emulator the installation is failing with “Commit of session 1347060019 failed: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113” which is expected since my PC is running on Intel CPU, not on ARM.
It is not a big issue for me because I have enough Android devices, but other devs may have difficulty to test applications that need more than one device like chat, mail, etc.
Probably in the future it will be a good idea to have separate APK for the emulator with natives built for x86 CPUs?
hey @ogrebgr, We don’t support x86 but we support x86_64. Try using with an x86_64 emulator and let us know if the same error persists. x86_64 emulators are supported on an Intel CPU too.
On x86_64 is working perfect. It was my fault trying to install it on x86.