I have managed to make a simple main.js which requests authorization, passes the token into a variable then creates a directory.
I am using this as var endpoint = ‘http://localhost:8100/nfs/directory/drive/websites/’;
My program logs directory created to my console but I cant see the directory when browsing my drive with the demo app.
I think I’m reproducing the same issue, or I’m also confused.
I created a couple of folders on my “drive”, one public and one private, I can see them both when doing a GET, but the demo app (v0.6.1) still doesn’t list them.
This is what I executed from Postman:
1- POST http://{{safe-launcher}}/nfs/directory/drive/test2
200 OK
Moreover, shouldn’t I be seeing the other folders I created thru the Demo App when created a service?
I do see them if I use the DNS API but they are not listed when I use the NFS API.
What I mean is, using the Demo App, I created a service called “site” which is mapped to a public folder called “site-service” (I assume the parent folder /public doesn’t/shouldn’t exist even that the Demo App shows it as “/public/site-service”, right?). But if I try a GET http://{{safe-launcher}}/nfs/directory/drive/site-service it returns:
“errorCode”: -1502,
“description”: “FfiError::PathNotFound”
I just realised the Demo App doesn’t request any permission to the Launcher, so I’m then guessing it reads/writes the files in its “app” sandbox folder, and that would explain why we don’t see the files in our “drive”, is this correct?