Heyhey … sorry I’ve been a bit out of the loop lately [at least API-wise] …
I wanted to peek into the current state of client_libs and the now available interfaces a bit today but to be honest i’m a bit lost …
…there really were times where it was easier to understand how one might be able to create a library for additional languages (for example python…)
in the past we had:
- safe_authenticator
– authenticating against the network and retrieving an App* - safe_client_libs
– interacting with the safe network - libsystem_uri.dll
– for creating a local uri-scheme for getting back the granted authentication
when I search for c-ffi / bindings / client_libs i find
- https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_client_libs
– is this still the relevant library for interacting with safe via c ffi ? (in the wiki i see immutable and mutable data - didn’t we change data types?) - https://github.com/maidsafe/safe-api
“In this repository you’ll find all that’s needed by any application which intends to connect and read/write data on The SAFE Network.”
but how do i do this from C - or is this just pointint to the CLI as entry point to safe?
- https://github.com/maidsafe/safe-api/tree/master/safe-ffi
– is this ffi inside the safe-api the C bindings i’m looking for? if yes how do I build it? - https://github.com/maidsafe/ffi_utils
– or is this the place i was looking for? if yes how do I build it? - https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_bindgen
– or is this the place i was looking for? if yes how do I build it? - i was thinking about using the .NET wrapper from python in a first step because this might be less hassle for a first win
– safe_app_csharp API Documentation | Safe Network :: safe_app_csharp API Documentation <<< this shows the docs for v0.3.0 is it possible to the to the docs for 0.3.1-rc2? (and I again see mutable and immutable data - is this still the way data is stored on safe?)
can someone please point me to the libraries i need to interact with a local baby fleming via a C FFI? … as I said i’m sadly a bit lost here and don’t really know where to start …