This topic gave me the idea to authorise without using Electron, as I initially thought it’s a distraction.
I’ll just leave this minimal viable example here, in case anyone might deem it useful:
const safeApp = require('@maidsafe/safe-node-app');
const info = {
id: 'example', name: 'example', vendor: 'example',
customExecPath: [process.execPath, __filename],
async function authorise() {
const app = await safeApp.initializeApp(info);
const uri = await app.auth.genAuthUri({});
await app.auth.openUri(uri.uri);
(async () => {
if (process.argv.length == 2) {
await authorise();
const app = await safeApp.fromAuthURI(info, process.argv[2]);
// Authenticated and ready to rumble
Was a useful learning experience; haven’t tested it thoroughly yet. I understand now why Electron comes in handy as it manages the process and instance for you.