Can't run safe node with sn_node 0.26.16

Think @folaht has a similar thread going. Don’t know the cause, but might be an issue with IpV6.

My take on it is, for what it’s worth, is the following:

  • For non-genesis:

--local-ip with is what you would use to get behavior close to the old behavior. If you’re not on LAN/localhost, you can optionally provide --external-ip for manual forwarding or --forward-port for automatic. --external-ip will override --forward-port in the case of both. In the case of neither, we fall back on the echo service using our bootstrap nodes.

  • For genesis:

You can also use --local-ip but you must supply --external-ip if port-forwarding via --forward-port is not available (which it is not for IPv6 afaik, hence your error) or disabled.

In your case, I think your only option is that --external-ip also needs to be specified. I don’t have mine up in front of me though, so somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ll put the docs below.


    /// Port we want to reserve for QUIC. If none supplied we'll use the OS given random port.
    /// If external port is provided it means that the user is carrying out manual port forwarding and this field is mandatory.
    /// This will be the internal port number mapped to the process
    #[structopt(short, long)]
    pub local_port: Option<u16>,


   /// IP address for the listener. If none is supplied and `forward_port` is enabled, we will use IGD to realize the
    /// local IP address of the machine. If IGD fails the application will exit.
    #[structopt(short, long)]
    pub local_ip: Option<IpAddr>,


    /// Specify if port forwarding via UPnP should be done or not. This can be set to false if the network
    /// is run locally on the network loopback or on a local area network.
    pub forward_port: bool,


    /// External port number assigned to the socket address of the program.
    /// If this is provided, QP2p considers that the local port provided has been mapped to the
    /// provided external port number and automatic port forwarding will be skipped.
    #[structopt(short, long)]
    pub external_port: Option<u16>,


    /// External IP address of the computer on the WAN. This field is mandatory if the node is the genesis node and
    /// port forwarding is not available. In case of non-genesis nodes, the external IP address will be resolved
    /// using the Echo service.
    #[structopt(short, long)]
    pub external_ip: Option<IpAddr>,
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