Adventures in Rust, Node.js and Safe

This seems a relevant development (or maybe not, see 'EDIT’ below), WASIX is a superset of WASI which adds sockets (TCP/UDP) and tokio among other things.

Maybe this will enable the Safe API to be compiled to WASM for the browser.

safenode running in a browser anyone? :scream:

Or how about a Safe Browser running inside Chrome/Firefox or :man_shrugging:. I really don’t know what this makes possible, but it seems important.

Anyone want to play?


  • WASIX is a non standard project using a proprietary toolchain so probably not of much real world use but still interesting to play with. FYI I tried compiling safenode but WASIX requires libc 2.36 which isn’t available until Ubuntu 23 :man_shrugging:. Meanwhile…

  • WASI Preview 2 is coming later in 2023. So far we have been using Preview 1 although it wasn’t called that! Anyway, Preview 2 includes async Sockets, but threading won’t be until Preview 3 :cry:. These are steps towards a WASI 1.0 W3C Standard.

Good intro to WASI and Preview 2 here: